By: Aldo Leporati
Neuquén Governor Omar Gutiérrez announced that Pluspetrol will invest u$s160 million in the development of unconventional gas wells in Vaca Muerta, with the possibility of disbursing us$ 350 million more in the medium term. Pluspetrol thus seeks the non-conventional hydrocarbon concession for 35 years. Gutiérrez said that the company will pay the province at least us$ 8 million for various concepts: us$ 3.4 million per operating bond, us$ 4 million for corporate social responsibility and more than us$ 1 million per Sealed.
The provincial governor also said that in May the Exxon company will present a development plan and will request the concession for 35 years of the unconventional area of Los Toldos in Vaca Muerta. "It will be a development like the ones in Houston, United States, with horizontal wells of 3000 meters in length." These wells do not exceed a maximum length of 1500 meters in the Neuquen basin," he said. Asked the companies that the priority for accessibility to work is for those who are already living in the province of Neuquén and have no job.