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Source: LinkedIn
By: Aldo Leporati

This represents 8.5% of GDP and 7% of formal employment in the private sector (there are now 6,197,131 jobs) and contracts (between formal and informal) 700,000 workers. Analysts forecast a 2017 with a growth of activity around 8%. A75% of this increase will be given by the private work, and the remaining 25% by the public work.

But there is one more characteristic that makes key to this sector: it is a thermometer of what will happen months later with the rest of the economy. A kind of "mirror that advances" what will happen in the rest of the sectors. Therefore, the forecast of 8% growth is relevant in the general scenario.

It is an interesting point how much can public works impact on the growth of construction. In principle, if the public work increases by 15% real this year (40% nominal), it would have a dynamic effect that would explain 1% of GDP growth.